Sunday, August 4, 2013

Practice With an Epic Gouache fail

Today was a lesson in an epic failure.  I did a self portrait drawing and then over confidently decided to try and execute a gouache painting.  It ended after about 40 minutes in complete failure.  I dont know shit about painting and this proved it.  First, I tried using the Zorn pallette.  I thought by limiting my options I could stand a better chance.  Well, I dont know much about mixing colors, especially in that pallette which is basically 5 colors: Black/White/Yellow/Red/Raw Sienna.  To get blue for instance you mix black and white.  I know... you're thinking grey.  But try it.  It is blue, especially next to red.

Well I bombed.  Hard.  So I wondered why.  I dont know how to paint with Gouache.  I dont know how to mix colors.  It's not like photoshop with a simple picker.  My eyes are poorly trained for color and this is now something i'll work on.  

Instead of feeling bad, I decided to execute the same idea again but with watercolor pencils.  It turned out much better and more agreeable.  I still think I need work on really painting form and value.  But It looks and feels much more solid and clearly communicates the self portrait.

Then I just messed around with pen and some designs

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Some more creative bursts

Doing these has been helpful to just unblock and push through.  It generates weird and interesting ideas that i'd never think of.  It's important to understand your feelings and just rifle out whatever it is without giving a fuck.  that's the point!  I think most artists refuse to show the bad.  I relish in it because if you can show that you can keep pushing yourself and make better work.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Bought some water color pencils and wanted to try them out

None of this should make sense.  So don't try and make sense of it.  I bought some water color pencils and started a new process in my journal.  The first half is pretty analytical, structured, and tight.  The end of my notebook is chaos, wierdness, and really nothing in particular.  Just random spewage from my brain.

I like this dualistic approach so that I can be purely creative and purely analytical. It's fun getting frustrated at the front of my notebook and then releasing the tension in the back.  I am building my notebook to meet in the middle.  

Even these 4 things have given me some good ideas to go off of for quick stories.